CARE360 Bakterie och virusfilter för för modell PA91-404DG/GY

Ultimate Protect Virus Filter till Pure A9 CADR400 skyddar din familj mot bakterier och virus genom filtrering av luften i fyra steg; 1. Förfilter som tar bort större luftburna dammpartiklar 2. Anti-virus- och bakteriebeläggning. En unik 3D syntetisk struktur som fångar, kapslar in och neutraliserar virus och bakterier genom en biologisk formula. 3. Filter för filtrering av ultrafina partiklar 4. Jonisering. En "Smart Tag" beräknar filtrets livstid och i Wellbeing appen ser du när det är dags att byta ut det.

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CARE360 Ultimate Virus Protect Filter

Skydda familjen mot luftburna bakterier och virus med filtret CARE360 som neutraliserar upp till 99,9 % av alla skadliga patogener.

Active protection against viruses*

Captures and neutralises airborne pollen particles, helping to minimise the risk of allergic reactions.

Anti-bacterial protection. Protect your family from unwanted guests.

Protection from airborne bacteria is paramount to creating a healthier home environment. CARE360 filters include an antibacterial agent that neutralises bacteria enzymes at a cellular level, eliminating up to 99.9% of bacteria found in the home and prevents further bacteria growth.

Active pollen protection

Captures and neutralises airborne pollen particles, helping to minimise the risk of allergic reactions.

Exceptional fine particle filtration

CARE360 filters feature advanced 360 filtration technology that delivers 99.97% filtration of irritants as small as 0.3µm and includes particles as small as 0.1µm, helping to ensure minimal airborne allergens in your home.

Smart filters

Each PURE A9 360 filter is equipped with a smart tag that measures the fine particle exposure and remaining filter life. The app will indicate when it's time to replace the filter.



Pure A9 CARE360 Ultimate Protect Filter 400 CADR
Produktnummer (PNC)
900 922 988
